God's people have always been characterized by giving, but the way they give has changed over time. Whether it was bringing offerings for sacrifices in ancient Israel or gifts collected for the New Testament churches, a key building block for our faith is making an offering to the Lord. Just as the types of offerings made and how they were given have changed, we now offer a new way to give a financial gift to the United Protestant Church ministry.
Anyone who would like to give to the UPC ministry online is welcome to do so through our church website. The system makes it easy to quickly transfer money from a bank account or debit card to the church safely and securely. One-time gifts and recurring withdrawals can both be set up.
We will continue to take an offering during the service for people who prefer to give by cash or check. For members who'd rather transfer money electronically, giving through the church website is an option. A small percentage of your gift is used to process the transaction.
We give out of the abundance of gifts God has so freely and graciously given to us. We give because we are followers of Jesus, who is the greatest gift we will ever receive, and we pray that our gifts are used to further God’s ministry in our church, our area, and in our world.